VT-CAVE Related Proposals

Virginia Tech CAVE Related Proposal List:
Only proposals that intend to use the CAVE are listed. Successful proposals listed below show the dollar amount as submitted by OSP to the sponsoring agency. This dollar amounts may have been modified. The dollar amounts may also not reflect the amount of money budgeted for CAVE use. Proposals pending funding are marked by (PENDING) but not all pending proposal are listed. Proposals not funded are marked by (NOT FUNDED). Please contact Ron Kriz at rkriz@vt.edu for corrections.

CAVE Related Proposals Funded: (listed in chronological order)

  1. Acquisition of a CAVE(tm): Breaking Research and Educational Barriers by Developing and Evaluating 3D Visualization Tools with CAVE Technology, NSF-ARI "Acquisition" Proposal, ($890K), R.D. Kriz (PI), (11 CoPIs), July 1996.

  2. "Breaking Barriers in Education and Research with Distributed Visual Computing: Jobs<->Instruction<->R&D", Sun Microsystems Corp and Visual Numerics Corp, ($104K), R.D. Kriz (PI), CoPIs: C. Ribbens and Chris Beattie, 1996.

  3. "Acquisition of a Computer / Visualization Server for the Center for Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science", AFOSR Infrastructure to Enable High Performance Computing, ($160K), Diana Farakas (PI), CoPIs: Romesh Batra, Bill Curitn and Ron Kriz, 1996.

  4. "Computer Simulation of Material Behavior -- From Atomistic to the Continuum Level" NSF Combined Research - Curriculum Development ($220K), R. Kriz (PI), CoPIs: R. Batra, W. Curtin, D. Farkas, 1996.

  5. AT&T Grant: College of Business, "AT&T Center for the Scientific Visualization of Organizations" ($600K), Steve Markham, 1996.

  6. "Using Electronic Technologies to Enhance Learning in Entomology", USDA, ($80K), T.P. Mack (PI), CoPIs: R.D. Fell, F.W. Ravlin, N.D. Stone, D.E. Mullins, R.D. Kriz, 1997.

  7. " Human Computer Interaction: Visualiztion and Animation Groups", NSF- Partnership in Advaced Computational Infrastructure (PACI), Enabaling Technology (ET) - Data and Collaboration Team, ($125/5-years), R.D. Kriz (PI), CoPIs: K.L. Reifsnider, J. Carroll, 1997.

  8. "Extending the Use of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Instruction in K-12 Schools", Jointly funded by: Silicon Graphics Inc., Institute for Connecting Science Research to the Classroom, Governors Schools, VPST, and the VT-CAVE, ($104,468), R. Kriz (PI), CoPIs: T. Morgan, J. Colbert, S. Macrae, 1998.
  9. "Infrastructure Development and Planning Project to Explore the Benefits of a Collaboative Virtual Environment in Virginia Universities and Businesses" / Final Report, Center for Innovative Technology, ($29K), R.D. Kriz (PI), 1998.

  10. "Navy Collaborative Integrated Information Technology Initiative" (NAVCIITI), Office of Naval Research, (Year-1: 14nov98 - 30sep00, Project: $3M, VT-CAVE: $381K) (Year-2: 1oct99 - 15may00, Project: $2M, VT-CAVE: $331K), (Year-3: 1apr01 - 31mar02, Project: $1.5M, VT-CAVE: $283K), K.L. Reifsnider (PI), VT-CAVE CoPIs: R.D. Kriz, L.E. Arsenault, 2001.

  11. "Virtual Environments for Ships and Ship-Mounted Cranes", ONR DURIP, ($1M), A. Nayfeh (PI) and D. Mook (CoPI), 1998.

  12. ME-JIVE: Mechanical Engineering-Just In a Virtual Environment, A project for a student tool using advanced Virtual Environments for collaborative CAD projects on the CAVE, I-Desk and desktop NT platforms, C.A. Wingrave (PI), CoPIs: N. Sykes, R. Levensalor, March 28, 1999, Funded by NAVCIITI for Summer1999.

  13. "Device Independent Visualization Environment-Reconfigurable, Scalable, Extensible (DIVERSE) Toolkit", NIST, ($40K) L. Arsenault (PI), CoPIs: J. Kelso, R.D. Kriz, 2000.

  14. "Virtual Jamestown and the VT-CAVE", National Endowment for the Humanities, ($205), Crandall Shifflett, 1999.

  15. "High Performance Computing Center Engineering and Technical Support for Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division, Dam Neck", American Systems Engineering Corporation, ($45K), A. Nayfeh (PI), CoPIs: D. Mook, R.D. Kriz, L. Watson, 1999.

  16. "Extending the Use of Collaborative Virtual Environments to Engineering Design Using High Speed Networks", Lockheed Martin University Grant Program, ($50K), R.D. Kriz (PI), J. Kelso (CoPI), 2000.

  17. "The Mechanism of Substrate (Aglycone) Specificity and Binding in Beta- Glucosidases", NSF Molecular Biochemistry Program, MCB-9905698, ($360K), A. Esen (PI), CoPI: D.R. Bevan, 10/1/99-9/30/02.

CAVE Related ASPIRES Proposals:
  1. "The Visible Cell", Biology, Richard Walker
  2. "Designs for the Future and Learning from the Past", Interior Design, Joan McLain-Kark
  3. "Visualization and Animation Laboratory in Engineering", (Funded: $40,800) College of Engineering, Ron Kriz
  4. "Air Transportation Systems Laboratory", Civil Engineering, Toni Trani
  5. "Augmented Reality, Spatialized Sound and Haptic Interfaces for Visualization", ISE, Woody Barfield
  6. "Virtual Reality and Visualization in Accounting", Business, David Tegarden
  7. "High Impact Indigo2: Satellite unit to the ACITC", Art and Art History, (Funded) Bob Fields
  8. "Universal Composite Micro-Environment", Engineering Science and Mechanics, (Funded $80K), Scott Case, 1998.
  9. "Application of Visualization and Haptic Feedback to Enhance Molecular Docking" , Biochemistry, ($54K), David Bevan, 1999.
  10. "Moving the CAVE into the ACITC Building with a Glass Floor, Motion Platform, and Ceiling Projection Upgrade", Engineering Science and Mechanics, ($58K), Ali Nayfeh, 1999. (NOT FUNDED)
Proposal pending (list not complete):
  1. "Breaking Conceptual Barriers: Learning in Virtual Environments", Cliff Shaffer (PI) et.al. , NSF Learning & Intelligent Systems, 1997. (NOT FUNDED)

  2. "The Building the Remembers, Publishes, and Reaches Out (CISE)", NSF Research Infrastructure Program, ($1.8M), C. Ribbens (PI), CoPIs: J. Carroll, E. Fox, R. Kriz, 1998. (NOT FUNDED)

  3. "Use of Smart Models for the Study of the Seismic Behavior of Architectural Building Components", NSF - Earthquake Systems Integration, ($308,796), M. Setareh, 1999. (NOT FUNDED)

  4. "Center for Innovation and Research on Collaborative Learning Environments (CIRCLE)", NSF-0013, ($124,666), J. Levin (PI), (31-CoPIs): R. Kriz, J. Colbert (ICSRC), T. Morgan (CVGS), Feb, 2000. (NOT FUNDED)

  5. "Center for Integrated Systems in Housing", NSF Division of Engineering Education and Centers, ($12.5M), J. Dolan (PI), 43 CoPIs, 1999. (NOT FUNDED)

  6. Topic: CAVE Visualization, ($2M?), Sandia National Labs, for more information contact J. Shuster, 1999. (PENDING)

Please send your comments and questions to Ron Kriz at: rkriz@vt.edu
Last Revision November 7, 2000