Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 15:08:10 -0400
From: Crandall Shifflett 
To: Ron Kriz 
Subject: Virtual Jamestown and the VT CAVE

Dear Ron,
To bring you up to date on Virtual Jamestown and the VT CAVE, the National
Endowment for the Humanities approved the final budget of $205,000 for VJ.
$180,000 is an outright award.  The other $25,000 is contingent upon my
raising and additional $25,000 in matching funds.  Included in the $205K
budget are funds for the VT CAVE, 2000-2001 for a summer intern at 20
hours/week X 10 weeks X $126/hour, for a total of $25,200.  Of this
$25,200, we will cost share $16,600 and the VT CAVE would receive NEH funds
of $8,600 for the student intern.  If I can find someone to give me
$25,000, that is what the CAVE will get for making a better model of what
we have already and doing some additional VRML work.  One VRML project I
have in mind is a virtual visit to the Susan Constant.  I have a book of
drawings, etc.  But we have to find the $25,000 first.

I am working on something even bigger:  a multi-million dollar Technology
Innovation Challenge Grant proposal to the Department of Education.  It is
a $2 million (minimum) to $10 million proposal (due March 2000).  If I get
it done, and they fund us, it would count (but several ifs here).  The $25K
must come from outside VT.  

Enough for now.  Things are going well with VJ.  I hope the same is true
for you.  Best, Randy
Crandall Shifflett
Professor of History
Director of Graduate Studies
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061
540/231-8724 (Fax)

Project Director
Virtual Jamestown