/* scalebin.c - scales binary floating point numbers to 
                ascii integers between 0 and 255 by
                subtracting sub and dividing by div.
                sub and div are passed as command line
                arguments. User must first determine
                correct values for sub and div. */
main(argc, argv)
int     argc;
char    *argv[];
int     In;
union {
       unsigned long    image;
       float            x;
      } both;
float           sub, div;
unsigned long   in0, in1, in2, in3;
unsigned char   c, j = 0;
while ((In = getchar()) != EOF)
        in0 = In; in1 = getchar(); in2 = getchar(); in3 = getchar();
        in0 <<= 24; in1 <<= 16; in2 <<= 8; 
        both.image = (in0 | in1 | in2 | in3);
        c = floor((both.x - sub)/div);
        printf("%u ",c);
        if (j++ == 19) {printf("\n"); j = 0;}